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Orchis italica - a possible candiate for the satyrion of antiquity? |
In my last two posts I described some historical food items with mild sexual links - a chocolate cockerel covering its hen and a rather suggestive jelly which wobbled in a lascivious way. These novelty items were conceived purely for the amusement of the diners, but there has always been a more serious link between certain foods and carnality. No more so than when they were employed as aphrodisiacs. Oysters are famous for their alleged properties in this regard, but a number of other less well known esculents were also thought to possess the power to stir up lust. Classical writers on medicine, such as Dioscorides and Pliny described a number of plants which were famed in antiquity as powerful aphrodisiacs. The most notorious of these were various kinds of orchid. In Greek orchis means 'testicle', because a number of them have two underground tubers which resemble these male organs. Some like Orchis italica (images above and below) also have astonishingly convincing anthropomorphic flowers, although it was the testis-like tubers that were considered to be efficacious as a sexual stimulant.
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Caption anybody? What about 'My ears are bigger than your ears'? |
It is easy to understand why these curious physical features led early physicians to conclude that the creator had designed these herbs as sexual stimulants. Various orchid species are still harvested for their tubers, which are used in the Middle East to make a beverage known as salep. This warm comforting drink is still considered by some to have sexually provocative properties. When I lived in Athens in the 1970s I remember the street cry of the salep vendor, 'Salepi zesta! Salepi zesta!' - 'Hot salep! Hot salep!' Their customers were always male, quickly downing small cups of this gelatinous beverage on the street before they headed home to their wives. In his seminal work on materia medica, A Complete History of Drugs (London: 1747), the great French botanist Pierre Pomet tells us. 'It is a great Restorative, and is good in all Decays; it is also esteemed a Provocative and Remedy againft Barrenness. The Turks have it in great esteem; their manner of taking it is boiled with Honey, Ambergrise, and Ginger, and drank hot in the manner of Chocolate. The general manner of using it here, is to put about a Tea-spoonfull of the Powder of it into a Bason of warm Water, which it turns into a Jelly.'
Salep, sometimes spelt salop, was available from the seventeenth century onwards in English coffee houses, together with other fashionable Ottoman beverages such as coffee and sherbet. It would appear that in Britain, the orchid tubers and the flour-like powder ground from them was mainly imported from the Levant. Salep is still popular in the Middle East as a drink, but is used much more nowadays as an ice cream ingredient. In Turkey it is still harvested from a number of wild orchids, some of which are facing extinction because of the enormous quantity used in the ice cream industry. This is based mainly in the city of Kahramanmaraş near the Syrian border. The thick salep ice cream, known locally as Maraş dövme dondurması does not melt as easily as ordinary ice cream and is incredibly elastic, stretching almost like putty. It is still made by some vendors using the traditional ice pail, sorbetiere and spaddle. Its amazing viscosity and ability to stretch has made the Maraş stalls in tourist destinations such as Istanbul very popular. It is the addition of salep flour and mastic to the ice cream mixture that gives it its extraordinary viscosity.
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A recipe to make salep from John Nott, The Cook's and Comfectioner's Dictionary (London: 1723) |
The most allegedly potent of all the plants from antiquity used as an aphrodisiac was known as satyrion, first described by the Greek physician Dioscorides in the 1st century AD. Its exact identity will probably never be known. Many of the English herbalists and botanists of the early modern period assumed that satyrion was a kind of orchid. In fact they called a number of English orchid species by this name. The celebrated Elizabethan plantsman and herbalist John Gerard describes a number, including Bee's Satyrion and Gnat's Satyrion. His rival John Parkinson, 'herbarist' to James II on the other hand believed that the original satyrion of Dioscorides was not an orchid, but a species of tulip.
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Two Satyrion varieties from John Gerarde, The Herball, or Generall Historie of Plantes . (London: 1597). |
However, the historical evidence points to the fact that the satyrion roots sold by English apothecaries were most usually the tubers of the common spotted orchid Orchis mascula. Elizabeth Blackwell, in A Curious Herbal (London: 1751) describes this plant. She tells us,
'This Orchis, which is the common Satyrion of the shops, grows to be a foot high; the leaves are a bright green, spotted with black, and the flowers, which grow on a brownish stalk, are a red purple. It grows in moist meadows, and flowers in April and May. The roots are accounted a Stimulus to Venery, strengthening the Genital Parts and helping Conception; and for these Purposes are a chief ingredient in the Electuarium Diasatyrium. Outwardly they are applied in form of a cataplasm, and are esteemed good to dissolve hard Tumours and Swellings. The officinal preparation is the Electuarium Diasatyrium.'
In England Orchis mascula tubers were preserved in sugar syrup. There is a very early recipe for preparing them in this way in A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen, a little book of recipes for preserves, 'banqueting stuffes' and medicines, first published in London in 1608. Its title declares that its intended readership was the female sex, more specifically high status ladies and gentlewomen. So here was a recipe for an early homemade viagra for those ladies whose noble husbands were not living up to expectations in the venery department.
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A later edition of A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen. This tiny book went through many editions and was often bound in with Sir Hugh Plat's Delightes for Ladies. |
Here is the recipe
Take your saterion roots and pick out the faire ones and keep them by themselves, then wash them and boyle them upon a gentle fire, as tender as a Quodling, then take them off and pare the blackest skin of then, and put them as you pare them into fair water, and so let them remain one night; and then weigh them, and to every pound of roots, you must take eleven ounces of clarified Sugar, and boyle it almost to the height of a sirup, and then put in your roots, but take heed they do not boyle too long, for then they will grow hard and tough: and therefore when they bee boyled enough, take them off, and set them a cooling, and so keep them according to the rest.
In some editions of the work, satyrion crops up as an ingredient in the complex 'restorative' marmalade described in the recipe below. This eccentric marmalade contains a host of other substances believed to be aphrodisiacs, including cock's testicles, cantharides, pearls and both the belly and back of the sand lizard Scincus scincus, described in the recipe incorrectly as a fish.
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A foor legged scaly version of Levitra. These amphibious lizards were imported in dried form from Egypt. From Pierre Pomet, A Complete History of Drugs. (London: 1748)
Take of the purest greene Ginger, sixe drammes, of Eringus and Saterion rootes, of each an ounce and a halfe, beate these very finely, and draw them with a siluer spoone thorow a haire searse, take of nut kirnells and almonds blaunched, of each an ounce, Cockes stones halfe an ounce, all steeped in hony twelve houres, and then boyled in milke, and beaten and mixed with the rest, then pouder the seedes of redde nettles, of rocket of each one dramme, Plantane seeds halfe a dramme, of the belly and backe of a fish called Scincus marinus three drammes, of Diasaterion foure ounces, of Cantarides adde a dram, beate these very finely, and with the other powder mixe it, and so with a pound of fine suger dissolued in rose water, and boyled to suger againe, mingle the powder and all the reſt of the things, putting in of leafe golde sixe leaues, of pearle prepared two drammes, oyle of Cynnamon sixe drops, and being thus done and well dryed, put it up in your Marmelate boxes, and guild it, and so use it at your pleasure.'
The ingredient referred to as Diasaterion was in fact itself a compound medicine made in the form of a confect or electuary. It actually duplicated a number of the ingredients already added to the marmalade, such as satyrion itself, eryngo and even more generous helpings of the skink lizard. The recipe below for Diasatyrion is from William Salmon, Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, Or The New London Dispensatory (London: 1682)
As well as the satyrion itself, the other important ingredient with alleged aphrodisiacal properties in both the restorative marmalade and Diasatyrion was candied eryngo root. This was made from the roots of the common sea holly (Eryngium maritinum). I have already written at length about Eryngo in an essay in the journal Petits Propos Culinaires, particularly about its long association with the town of Colchester in Essex where it was once produced as an article of commerce.*
At the Holly Trees Museum in Colchester there is a surviving box of eryngo roots dating from the eighteenth century complete with its lusty contents. If these little sweeties were the viagra of the early modern period, they were sent out all over Britain by the Pzifer of the day, the apothecary Charles Great, who traded them from his shop at The Sign of the Old Twisted Posts and Pots. The label on one of Great's eryngo boxes is reproduced below.
Eryngium maritimum or Sea Holly. The candied roots of this plant were once considered to be a powerful aphrodisiacs
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Courtesy of Holly Trees Museum |
Many recipes for preserving eryngo roots survive in both manuscript and printed sources. The handwritten recipe below is from the manuscript receipt book of Elizabeth Rainbow, wife to Edward Rainbow, Bishop of Carlisle in the late seventeenth century.
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A late seventeenth century manuscript recipe to candy eryngo roots from The Receipt Book of Elizabeth Rainbow. Courtesy Dalemain Estates |
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Some of my candied eryngo roots. They have a subtle flavour halfway between a parsnip and a chestnut |
Although the candied roots were taken 'to provoke lust - even it would seem by bishops - they were also sometimes used as an ingredient in a number of pies and cakes. In his personal manuscript cookery book John Evelyn includes them in a recipe for a 'Hartichoak Pie', as well as in a moulded Eryngo Cream set with isinglass and garnished with pistachio nuts. The court cook Charles Carter puts them into a sweet Chicken Pie,
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Charles Carter, The Complete Practical Cook. (London: 1730) |
Like Evelyn, Carter also included eryngo roots in an artichoke pie. Plumcake pointed out to me a few years ago that these roots also feature in one of his cake recipes. In his diary he mentions a visit to Colchester and describes the town as being famous for oysters and eryngo candy. Perhaps he bought some while he was there. His Almond Cake contains a massive two pounds of them! Here is the recipe (courtesy of the late Christopher Driver).
To make an Almond Cake
Take 6 pounds of the finest flower drie it in the Oven after bread is drawne next morning rub it through a cource sive blanch 2 pounds of Almonds in cold water beat them with Orenge flower water very fine rub the Almonds into the flower very well then take 3 pounds of the best greene citron cut pretty small and 2 pounds of Eringo root cut small strew these into the flower one Ounce of Nutmegs and mace 3 parts mace a little cinamon a litle ginger wash pick and drie 5 pound of Corance lay them on a sive set them before the fire to keepe warme then beat 20 eggs all the whites beat them with a whisk very light straine them take two qts of the thickest creame put it on the fire slice in 4 pounds of the best butter let it stand till bloud warme a pint and halfe of new ale yest put a glass of sack to it and the eggs 4 ounces of loaf sugar beat fine strewd in then poure in the creame and butter on one side the yest and eggs in the other so melt yr cake very thinn and set it by the fire and at the first rising put in corance and let the Oven be ready at the second risng to put it into the Oven butter the hoop very well it will require somewhat better then two hours baking Ice it if you please.
I thought that Evelyn's cake with eryngo roots was a rare one-off example. But no! Plumcake also found another one in the manuscript receipt book of Margaretta Acworth.
A Sweete Meate Cake
Take eight pound of fflower and Rubb into it 3 pound of new butter. Put in 3 grated nutmegs and 3 pound of Carroway Comfitts. Put 1/2 the Comfitts into the fflower after the butter is rubbed in, then take 1 pint of Creame and a pint and a 1/2 of Ale yeast, 12 eggs keeping out 4 of ye Whites. Beate them very well then mix ye eggs and Creame very well togehter. Straine them, then add 1/2 a pint of sack, a quarter of an ounce of Carraway seeds, mix them all these with the fflower then set it before ye ffire untill your Oven is hott. Cover it warme and stir it often. Then take 1/2 a pound of Cittorne and 1/2 a pound of Lemon and Orange, 1/2 a pound of Ringoo Rootes. Slice all these and put them with ye rest of your Comfitts, then put your Cake into the hoope but be sure your oven be ready before you mingle it up. Put it into ye oven as soon as it is in ye Hoope. 2 Hours bakes it. When it is Drawne ice it.
I wonder if eryngo roots were included in these pies and cakes for their supposed venereal qualities, or just as a another sweetmeat? Their flavour, unlike candied peel is very subtle and would have been lost, especially in Margaretta Acworth's cake with its inordinate amount of caraway comfits and caraway seeds. Did a knowing manservant give his master a slice of one of these cakes with a nod and a wink? However, there is no scientific evidence that orchid tubers or eryngo roots contain any substances that have the ability to arouse sexual desire or improve sexual performance. One orchid variety described by Dioscorides in the 1st century AD with alleged aphrodisiac powers was called cynosorchis in Greek - meaning dogs testicles. This led to English folk names like 'dog's stones', 'dog's cullions' etc. The herbals of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ascribe powerful venereal properties to all these plants. But the lack of any scientific evidence for these ancient claims makes me wonder if the whole story is just a load of 'dog's bollocks'.
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Banquetting Stuffe. The white roots on the left are candied eryngoes. |
Secondhand copies of Margaretta Acworth's Georgian Cookery Book edited by Alice Prochaska are also easy to come by. Pavilion - Michael Joseph 1988 ISBN 1851451242 (ISBN13: 9781851451241)
*Read much more about Eryngo in Ivan Day, Down at the Old Twisted Posts and Pots. PPC 52, 26.
An amusing video of the extraordinary sleight of hand of a Maraş ice cream maker and vendor in Istanbul
*Read much more about Eryngo in Ivan Day, Down at the Old Twisted Posts and Pots. PPC 52, 26.
An amusing video of the extraordinary sleight of hand of a Maraş ice cream maker and vendor in Istanbul
You wrote under a photo of Murrell's banquet plan:
ReplyDelete"These two suggestions for laying out a banquet course are from the very rare A Delightful Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen by John Murell, published in London in 1621."
Did you mean that original copies of his book are rare or that the text is rare to find even in reprints today?
Murrell's two books on preserves and banqueting stuff - A Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen (1618) and A Delightful Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen (1621) are both among the rarest of printed books on this subject on this subject. Because a copy of the first survives in the University of Leeds Library collection, it has been frequently cited by the usual authorities. The other is much rarer and of course I mean as an original early printed book. Its table plans are the earliest in any English book. However, this one was once published as a typescript by the Stuart Press, so it is available.
DeleteSorry Elise. The date of publication of A Daily Exercise for Ladies and Gentlewomen was 1617 not 1618.
DeleteGreat post! I am an enthusiastic member of the Hugh Plat fan club.
ReplyDeleteLove the orchid folk Ivan. I've never seen them in any work by Cicely Mary Barker!
ReplyDeleteThe potato had is fans as an aphrodisiac. I wonder if this is because some types have a suggestive shape, if so were these early references to sweet or conventional potatoes?
When in Lithuania I bought a jar of almost black buckwheat honey from a old lady who assured me that it would make be as virile as an Ox, but it was dangerous to take more then a teaspoon at a time. Its aroma was very similar to that sample of musk that you showed me.
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Cependant, il est important de noter que bien que Cenforce ne nécessite pas d'ordonnance, il est toujours recommandé de consulter un professionnel de la santé avant de commencer à prendre un médicament. Ils peuvent fournir des conseils personnalisés en fonction de vos besoins spécifiques et de vos antécédents médicaux.
En résumé, Medicamententreparticulier.com est un site fiable qui propose Cenforce sans ordonnance. Avec son efficacité contre la dysfonction érectile, ses prix abordables et sa livraison discrète en France, il offre une expérience pratique et confidentielle à ceux qui cherchent à retrouver la satisfaction sexuelle. Néanmoins, il est toujours sage de consulter un professionnel de la santé avant de commencer un traitement.
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ReplyDeletePremature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED) in men are treated with the drug Super Vidalista 80 mg. Tadalafil and dapoxetine are used in it to enhance sensuous performance. While dapoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that helps to postpone ejaculation, tadalafil is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) that helps to improve blood flow to the male genital organ. You can buy Super Vidalista 80 mg online. This is taken orally, ideally half an hour before engaging in sensual activity. One tablet per day is the maximum dosage that is advised. It is imperative to remember that women and children are not supposed to use this. Men with specific medical disorders, such as severe liver or heart problems, or those on particular medications, such as nitrates for heart disease, shouldn't take it.
ReplyDeleteSuper Vidalista 80 mg is a pharmacological treatment indicated for men suffering from both erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). This medication comprises a combination of tadalafil, a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor that facilitates increased blood flow to the male genital organ, and dapoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that aids in delaying ejaculation. You can buy Super Vidalista 80 mg online. Administered orally, Super Vidalista is typically taken around 30 minutes prior to engaging in sensual activity, with a maximum recommended dose of one tablet per day. It is crucial to note that this medication is not intended for use by women or children. Additionally, individuals who are using specific medications such as nitrates for heart disease or those with severe heart or liver conditions should refrain from taking Super Vidalista. It is imperative to consult a healthcare professional before initiating this treatment. Commonly experienced side effects of Super Vidalista 80 mg include mild symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness, and flushing, which typically dissipate within a few hours.
ReplyDeleteFildena 150mg contains the active ingredient Viagra. It's created from Viagra turn among a potent composition comprising one hundred fifty mg. Viagra turn could be a PDE-5 substance that works by calming the muscles, blood vessels, and tissue within the girdle. Blood vessels are dilated and obstructions within the arteries are cleared, resulting in a free flow of blood. Viagra additionally blocks the PDE-5 protein, and boosts the quantity of cGMP, while increasing the degree of gas within the glands of the private parts.
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Introducing Sildigra 50 mg, a remarkable medication designed to combat the challenges of impotence in men. In today's world, erectile dysfunction has become a prevalent concern, and this exceptional medicine offers a ray of hope for its treatment. With a powerful ingredient known as sildenafil citrate (50 mg), this medication delivers a moderate dosage that is suitable for beginners. However, it is important to note that your doctor will prescribe the appropriate dosage based on the severity of your condition and your individual tolerance.The sildenafil citrate present in this medicine is approved by the regulatory authorities and belongs to the esteemed class of PDE5 inhibitors.
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This 80 mg dose of Super Vidalista is the best way to have a happy, passionate love life! Super Vidalista 80 mg is here to transform your intimate times with long-lasting performance and enhanced sensual experiences. Super Vidalista 80 mg's potent blend of Tadalafil and Dapoxetine provides a dual-action formula that addresses premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, allowing you to experience longer pleasure worry-free. You can buy Super Vidalista 80 mg online. Because of its special combination of active components, it's a dependable option for guys who want to solve several sensual problems at once. Your secret weapon for getting a hard and long-lasting erection is Super Vidalista 80 mg. With it, you may take charge of your intimate relationships and feel more pleasure than ever. Super Vidalista 80 mg tablets are expertly manufactured to deliver you the ideal dosage, guaranteeing maximum efficacy and minimal side effects. You can engage in impromptu moments of intimacy without worrying about timing or pressure because to its long-lasting effects, which can last up to 36 hours.
ReplyDeleteKamagra 100 mg is a medication that is commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It belongs to a class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. The main way it works is by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for breaking down cGMP, a substance that plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining an erection. By doing so, Kamagra 100 mg helps increase the levels of cGMP in the corpus cavernosum, which is a spongy tissue in the penis. When taken orally, Kamagra 100 mg relaxes the muscles in the blood vessels of the penis, allowing for improved blood flow and facilitating the ability to attain an erection.
One drug used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men is called sildigra 100 mg. Sildenafil citrate, an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), is the active component of Sildigra 100mg. In order to help a man acquire and sustain an erection during sensual stimulation, it increases blood flow to his genital organ. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking the prescription drug sidigra 100mg. You can buy Sildigra 100 mg dosage online.
Consuming the tablet in the correct way, according to the doctor's instructions, is the most important step for patients. Doctors are there to guide you on the proper dosage and brand. Simply follow the correct steps to obtain the medicine. And for Vilitra 60mg, you only need to swallow one tablet whole. The tablet should not be chewed or crushed. Do not break the pills in half. This is not the right way. Finally, it can reduce the actions of Vardenafil in the bloodstream.
ReplyDeleteThis is the content of Sildenafil, the agent to cure erectile dysfunction that belongs to the category of PDE-5 hormone inhibitors, which is present in Cenforce D pills. The other substance present in Cenforce D medicines is dapoxetine, which treats premature ejaculation and is part of the SSRI agent tablets. The ability of Cenforce D tablet to bring about sexual improvements in the patient makes it a prescription medicine.
ReplyDeleteThe action of Super Vilitra is identical to that of tadalafil and sildenafil. It has the ability to control the activity of this enzyme. Super Vilitra stops the activity of this enzyme and improves blood flow to the penis, making it firm and erect. At the same time, the blood vessels that carry blood out of the penis decrease in size and decrease the removal of blood from the penis. Erection can be easily achieved using Super Vilitra. Try not to use Vilitra 20 tablets assuming you have received approved medications containing vardenafil or c. Try not to use this medicine with other PDE5 inhibitors, for example, sildenafil citrate or tadalafil.
ReplyDeleteVidalista Black 80mg is a widely prescribed medication designed to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. Vidalista Black 80 mg is mainly prescribed to men suffering from sexual disorders, especially erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction, sometimes called impotence, is a condition in which men have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. When Tadalafil is combined with Dapoxetine, it can treat both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
ReplyDeleteVilitra 60mg uses vardenafil as the main and active ingredient in treating penile erection problem. However, vardenafil is also actively used in treating other blood flow related problems such as hypertension and hyperplasia. Vilitra 60mg is a class of PDE 5 inhibitor drug that naturally acts on the root cause of the problem and treats it permanently rather than providing a temporary solution. It allows you to last longer with your partner and enjoy fully without any worries.
ReplyDeleteKamagra 100mg tablets should be swallowed whole with a glass of water, without chewing or crushing them. It is advisable to take Kamagra 100 mg on an empty stomach or with a light meal to facilitate faster absorption and a quicker onset of action. Avoid consuming alcohol or grapefruit juice while taking Kamagra 100 mg as they may interfere with the effectiveness of the medication.
ReplyDeleteKamagra Chewable tablets work best if taken about an hour before sexual activity. To get an erection, you will need to be sexually stimulated. Doctors usually recommend taking 50 mg once a day, but the dose can be reduced to 25 mg or increased to 100 mg if necessary. Do not take more than one dose every 24 hours. Kamagra Chewable 100 mg cannot be taken at the same time as other medicines used to treat male erectile dysfunction.
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Cenforce D has two main purposes. The main use of this medicine is to help men to relieve erection. The second use of this medicine is to help men to relieve premature ejaculation problems. The moment you accept this Cenforce D as per your doctor's recommendation, you will quickly recover from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation problems. You may forget to take Cenforce D, but taking it when you remember is extremely important. It is important to take the unfit medicine before starting your new dosage. Taking two medicines within 24 hours can affect your health.
ReplyDeleteFildena Chewable 100mg containing sildenafil citrate as 100mg. This 100mg strength of medicine is a potent solution for treating male erectile dysfunction, which is used to treat severe impotence problems in impotent men. Fildena Chewable 100mg is designed to help impotent men suffering from severe penile insufficiency issues to achieve and maintain a penile erection during a prolonged lovemaking session. The medicine is nothing but a kind of branded blue pill for men suffering from severe impotence issues.
ReplyDeleteExtra Super Vidalista is an erectile dysfunction medication. It belongs to the PDE5 inhibitor class of drugs and works by increasing blood flow to the penis, which helps you get an erection when you are sexually aroused. The active ingredients in this Extra Super Vidalista are Tadalafil and Dapoxetine, two drugs that were developed as treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED). Tadalafil belongs to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors.
ReplyDeleteSuper vidalista 80 mg is the incorporation of two potent ingredients : Tadalafil 20 mg + Dapoxetine 60 mg. The combination of these two strong ingredients is a powerful combination useful in the treatment of Erectile dysfunction and Even premature ejaculation in men is treated by this medicin. What a wonderful medicine it is. With just one thing, you can treat your two problems at one time. Tadalafil helps in the treatment of Ed, and dapoxetine helps to treat pe. This medicine is particularly designed for men only not for women and children. This medicine is quite effective and popular in the market, and you can buy Super Vidalista 80 mg online. You have to go for this medicine if you are facing these two problems. Super vidalista contains some stronger dosage so remember that you should start with some lower one as recommended by your doctor. You have to check the pre-requisites that are required before having this medication so you don't face any severe results or major problems from this medicin.
Aurogra 100 mg is a medication that is primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. The active ingredient in Aurogra 100 mg is sildenafil citrate, which works by increasing blood flow to the genital organ of the male, helping men achieve and maintain an erection. You can buy Aurogra 100 mg online. One of the positive aspects of Aurogra 100 mg is its effectiveness in treating ED.
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Super vidalista 80 mg is a combination of two effective salts known as Tadalafil (20 mg) and dapoxetine (60 mg).This duo is a powerful combination which is helpful in the treatment of Erectile dysfunction and even premature ejaculation in men.Such a wonderful medicine right.With just one thing you can treat your two problems at one time.Tadalafil helps in the treatment of Erectile dysfunction and dapoxetine helps to treat premature ejaculation. Super vidalista contains some stronger dosage so remember that you should start with some lower one as recommended by your doctor.
Vilitra 20 mg is a medication in which ingredient vardenafil is present as its chief constituent. It provides Vilitra 20 mg, an answer to the effective treatment of this condition by restoring one's sensual confidence in making life more enjoyable.
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Cenforce Soft 100 mg is used to cure impotence or erectile dysfunction in males. This product contains the active ingredient called sildenafil citrate (100 mg). This beautiful ingredient is the major ingredient in this medication which helps men achieve a hard erection for a more satisfying sensual intercourse. For those who have swallowing problems with pills, the Cenforce Soft provides a better option in the form of a chewable tablet. Prepare for an easier life for you and your lover as it is offering you a more exciting encounter than you have ever had. For those who experience erection problems, this is just amazing. This is making you feel good about your body and giving back the confidence you once have. For elderly patients having swallowing problems with medications, Cenforce Soft is great.
Vilitra 60 mg is the most efficient medicine for ED in males. Vilitra 60 mg drug contains the active ingredient Vardenafil that works as an inhibitor of the type 5 phosphodiesterase.
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Tadagra 20 is formulated with tadalafil 20mg, a potent PDE5 inhibitor that addresses the root cause of erectile dysfunction.
ReplyDeleteAvandra 100 from rsmmultilink is a perfect medication for the treatment of Erectile disorder (ED or Impotence) in men. It comprises Avanafil 100 mg.
ReplyDeleteLovegra, often referred to as women's Viagra has emerged as a ground-breaking medication designed specifically to address female sensual dysfunction. Unlike its male counterpart, Lovegra focuses on improving blood flow to the female genital area, enhancing sensitivity and overall sensual satisfaction. This pink pill has become a symbol of empowerment for countless women seeking solutions to intimacy challenges.
ReplyDeleteFildena 100mg is a product which is available in the market for the treatment or cure of Ed or impotence in men.Ed refers to Erectile dysfunction in which a man is not able to attain a firm erection enough for the intercourse which leads to create dissatisfaction between the person and their partner so fixing your ed is truly required and when we have this great medicine then what are you waiting for?.This medicine contains a salt named as sildenafil citrate (100 mg) which is also known as viara so what this salt basically does is it increases the blood flow to the genital organ of the male and helps them to attain firm erection enough for the intercourse.Fildena is required if you have ed then you must go for this medicine as this is truly an efficacious product available and is accessible too.
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